
Our Vision

We believe as a church we will see the Transformation and the Uniting of Generations to release God’s Kingdom and Power to Fish Hoek, to our Country and to the Nations.

How we apply our vision:

With the help of the Holy Spirit, Fullies is actively working at:

  1. Being a community built on love for one another
  2. Focussing upon evangelism, discipleship, leadership development and missions
  3. Creating opportunities to be equipped for growth and ministry


Flowing from this, our Mission Statement is to:

  1. Evangelise the Lost
  2. Disciple Converts
  3. Train Disciples
  4. Send


While our Church Values are:

  1. Community
  2. Obedience
  3. Generosity
  4. Simplicity


We Believe

  1. The Bible is the only authoritative Word of God.
  2. There is only one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
  3. The only way to be cleansed from sin is by repentance & faith in the blood of Jesus who died on the cross for us.
  4. In baptism by total immersion in water.
  5. In baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4.

God is calling us as a Church, back to the basics. To be a Church that is busy with what God is busy with, focussed upon what God is building and expending effort over what touches the heart of God.

It is well with my Soul